Student Life Center

The Student Life Center (SLC) is a nonprofit ministry of the Baptist Church on Homedale that offers programs for students free of charge. The mission of the SLC is to help students succeed in life and school. Our mentors and tutors encourage personal morality, critical thinking, and scholastic excellence in students from the 3rd through the 12th grade.
Options for Success
School Year Program
During the school year, the SLC is open most school days. Students receive schoolwork help and are engaged in conversations regarding moral traits and critical life decisions through weekly 15-minute life lessons.
Summer Program
During the summer, we run our Make Summer Brighter program. This program includes snacks, math, reading, classes for life skills, and outdoor games. Our summer and school programs are made possible by the generous support of parents, volunteers, BCH donors, and many others. When students enroll with the SLC, students and parents agree to disclose report cards, test scores, and relevant grades.